Question: 1 / 205

How can you find the nearest motorway emergency phone?

Follow the directions on the marker posts

Following the directions on the marker posts is the correct method for locating the nearest motorway emergency phone. These marker posts are placed at regular intervals along the motorway and contain vital information, including unique identifier numbers and directional arrows that guide drivers to emergency phones. Each emergency phone is typically located at a designated spot, which the marker posts reference, allowing drivers to know how far they are from the nearest phone and which direction to take to reach it efficiently.

While signposts indicating phone locations can help, they are not as prevalent or detailed as the marker posts, which provide specific instructions based on a driver's current location. Asking another driver may not yield accurate results, as they may not know the exact locations. Using a mobile phone's GPS can be unreliable in some situations, especially if coverage is poor or if the driver is unable to connect due to an emergency situation. Hence, the guidance from the marker posts remains the most straightforward and reliable option for locating an emergency phone.

Look for signposts indicating phone locations

Ask another driver

Use your mobile phone's GPS


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